Typical Day

A Day in the Life of Our Little Explorers

Every day spent with children is a new adventure and we understand the importance of being nimble and flexible to adapt to the ever-changing needs of young children. However, we also know the value of structure and balance and aim to provide a consistent routine each day. While every location will follow a slightly different schedule, the following is what you can expect from a typical day at Discovery Tots. 

A Typical Day


7:00-8:00 Breakfast  |  A nutritious meal for children who arrive early in the morning. 

8:00-8:30 Free Play  |  Play-based learning—children can choose from our many interactive and stimulating toys.

8:30-9:30 Curriculum + Learning Time  |  Monthly themes—crafts, stories, games, activities and sensory play.

9:30-10:00 Morning Snack

10:00-10:30 Circle Time  |  Music, dancing, fingerplays, rhymes and reading.

10:30-11:30 Outdoor Play + Activity Time  |  Outdoor play, puzzles, play-doh, painting and creativity.


11:30-12:30 Lunch

1:00-3:00 Nap + Quiet Play

3:30-4:00 Afternoon Snack

4:00-5:00 Prepare for Parent Time  |  Free play, diaper changes, cleanup and saying goodbye to friends.